
Newspaper Quotes

1895-1905: Underdevelopment

December 20: Cedar County News
"W.D. Schulte of Bow Valley is hauling lumber from the Loonan Lumber Yard for a       new barn."

January 17: Cedar County News
"W.D. Schulte of St. James went to Sioux City this morning with stock."
January 24: Cedar County News
W.D. Schulte to Jones & Emerson Part [81 acres] NW 23-32N-2E $12,150"
February 28, Cedar County News
"W.D. Schulte of St. James was in town Monday having returned from his Texas trip. He was well pleased with the Panhandle country."
December 13, Wynot Tribune
"The name of this town is WYNOT; not Why not. Paste this in your hat."
December 20, Wynot Tribune
"W.D. Schulte, who sold the land for the Wynot townsite, was a pleasant caller at this office Saturday".

January 3, Wynot Tribune
"W.D. Schulte was over from Bow Valley Friday and called in to see the Tribune and order a copy be sent to his son at Nazareth, Texas. Mr. Schulte was formerly the owner of the present townsite of Wynot and is much interested in our new town."
January 24, Wynot Tribune
"W.D. Schulte and wife of Bow Valley departed Tuesday for Nazareth down in the panhandle district of Texas, where they will visit their sons for a few weeks."

1908-1921: Underdevelopment